The star RS Puppis varies in brightness by almost a factor of five every 40 or so days
NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-Hubble/Europe CollaborationAcknowledgment: H. Bond (STScI and Penn State University)
Why is the universe expanding 9 per cent faster than we thought?
By Joshua Sokol
The expansion of the universe is getting out of hand. According to recent ...
Author: nano-techno
Self-healing, flexible electronic material restores functions after many breaks
Researchers have developed a flexible electronic material that self-heals to restore many functions, even after multiple breaks. Here, the material is shown being cut in half. The healed material is still able to be stretched and hold weight. Credit: Qing Wang / Penn State
Electronic materials have been a major stumbling block for the advance of flexible electronics because existing materials do not...
CRISPR gene-editing system unleashed on RNA
Cutting tool could be used to study RNA's role in disease.
Karen Weintraub
03 June 2016
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An article from Scientific American.
The CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing complex, here shown editing DNA (in blue), has been modified to target RNA.
Researchers who discovered a molecular “scissors” for snipping genes have now developed a similar approach for ...
Nanotechnology is revolutionizing our future!
Nanotechnology is an emerging technology that involves the design, characterization, production, and application of structures, devices, and systems by controlled manipulation of size and shape at the nanometer scale. It is already used in every day products. It is in your toothpaste, sun cream, computer, clothes and it is also even in your food.
Nanotechnology is
revolutionizing our future!
Nanotechnologies are predicted...
Performing cellular surgery with a laser-powered nanoblade
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This diagram illustrates the process of transferring mitochondria between cells using the nanoblade technology. Credit: Alexander N. Patananan
To study certain aspects of cells, researchers need the ability to take the innards out, manipulate them, and put them back. Options for this kind of work are limited, but researchers reporting May 10 in Cell Metabolism describe a "nanoblade"...
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Cell is an information source for the life sciences. Cell provides the latest research highlights on cells including but not limited to RNA, the cellular process and a futuristic look at disease and cellular process. Cell Press is associated with Elservier and publishes numerous journals, Cell Metabolism, Neuron, Immunity, AJHG and other noteworthy peer review journals. Cell offers abstract information and invites press requests for articles and images. A useful tool offered by Cell is S...
Split light wave switches nano-enhancers of light on and off
A field of metal nanopyramids enhances light from the surrounding molecules, but can also disrupt the energy supply of those molecules by absorbing the incoming light. Mohammad Ramezani and his colleagues discovered how they can use interference to modulate the nanoantennae to optimise the amount of light absorbed and minimise the amount of light wasted. Credit: Giuseppe Pirruccio, Mohammad Ramezani, Said Rahimzadeh-Kalaleh Rodriguez.
In collaboration with Philips Lighting, ...