Stable perovskite LEDs one step closer

An organic molecule makes the perovskite crystal more stable, says Heyong Wang, PhD student at the Department of Biomolecular and Organic Electronics. Researchers at Linkoping University, working with colleagues in Great Britain, China and the Czech Republic, have developed a perovskite light-emitting diode (LED) with both high efficiency and long operational stability. The result has been published in Nature Communications. "Light-emitting diodes based on perovskites are still not suffi...

A combined optical transmitter and receiver

  The tiny unit that can both receive and transmit optical signals. Credit: Magnus Johansson Researchers at Linköping University, together with colleagues in China, have developed a tiny unit that is both an optical transmitter and a receiver. "This is highly significant for the miniaturisation of optoelectronic systems," says LiU professor Feng Gao. Chunxiong Bao, postdoc at Linköping University, types in a sentence on a computer screen, and the same sentence immediately appears on ...

Scientists develop safer lead-based perovskite solar cell

  Researchers at Northern Illinois University and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, are reporting on February 19, 2020 in the journal Nature on a potential breakthrough in the development of hybrid perovskite solar cells. Considered rising stars in the field of solar energy, perovskite solar cells convert light into electricity. They're potentially cheaper and simpler to produce than traditional silicon-based solar cells...